I would like to welcome you to my blog. My mission is to share hope, insight, awareness, and tools to better cope with life in general. I am by no means a writer, reporter, expert or researcher but I’ve got experiences both at a personal and professional level that will hopefully provide some encouragement to your life.

My journey as a professional counselor started back when I was a teenager, friends and classmates would come to me for advice or just a listening ear. I have to admit I loved that people could come to me and that they would choose me for this task.
I also had my fair share of hard times growing up and that also served as motivation. God always placed key people during those times, Sunday school teachers, psychologists, social workers, and teachers.
As I became a high school and middle school teacher also taught me how much we all needed someone we could trust and share out lives without judgment. My students would appreciate my teaching but they needed more. They needed wise counsel, encouragement, hope, and support.
In 2011, I graduated from a master’s in education and counseling and began working as a school counselor. In 2013 after getting married, we decided to move to Texas and resumed my career as a teacher. Soon after I found out that if I wanted to pursue the counseling career I need to go back to school. In 2016 while still in school, I became a Licensed Professional Counselor-Intern in the State of Texas.
FMS Therapy was always in my heart, but I never imagine it would happen so quickly. God had orchestrated this plan and had set everything into motion. Two years after becoming fully licensed, FMS Therapy opened in May 2019 and has been growing since then.
This blog was born out of my desire to keep reaching others and doing life together.